Human Factors
1 Day
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What does the course offer?
Achieving a successful outcome in a critical incident is dependant not only upon good psychomotor skills, but also the human factors that allow a group of rescuers to work in a considerate, efficient and effective team.
This enjoyable and engaging training course consists of simulation, workshops, open discussion and interactive lectures in all aspects of human factors.
The aim of the day is to help the students gain awareness and insight as to how human factors can influence the outcome of a situation both managerially and clinically, and provide opportunities to discuss how to influence their own behaviours to improve care.
Course contents
- Team working
- Leadership
- Situation Awareness
- Communication with Active listening
- Task allocation
- Changing the culture

For Groups
Scenario-based training tailored to your working environment, delivered on-site by one of our experienced trainers.
Contact us with your chosen date and time. Evenings and weekends may also be available at no extra cost.
For individuals
Sorry, we do not currently host sessions of this course for individuals to join.